Delta Cuisine, leader of the Tunisian market for 20 years
DELTA CUISINE GROUP, has been positioned for several years as the undisputed leader on the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa markets.
Our job is to design, manufacture, sell, deliver and install custom kitchens and storage units (dressing rooms, bathroom furniture and others).
Stretched over a 9,000-square metre factory in the heart of M'ghira industrial zone - in the suburbs of Tunis - the group combines work ethic and trust with cutting-edge technologies and a commitment to innovation.

ISO 9001
knowledge and Certifications
The modern machinery is constantly consolidated by acquisitions that allow the group to remain at the forefront of technology and industrial design, while fully integrating the manufacturing process in Tunisia.
From research and development to delivery, a quality approach has been implemented and recognised since 2007, and the international standard ISO 9001 certification was achieved (2015 version obtained).
DELTA CUISINE GROUP is aware that the pillar of its success is the precious investment in expert, skilled and motivated human resources. “Customer centricity” has always been a mantra for the group’s production teams, marketers, salespeople, designers and developers, along with the administration department - who all devoted to improving customer experiences.
Our passion
Believe in a dream, the dream of the founders of DELTA CUISINE
The know-how
at the level of the entire process, the know-how has been acquired thanks to stability, high management and training and a continuous improvement approach.
The innovation
On-going innovation: in terms of materials and design and continuous monitoring.

trust in partners acquired over a 20-year experience and existence on the market.
to anchor sustainability in the company's core activities and to align Delta Cuisine practices with the relevant issues of sustainable development.

The Executive Committee of DELTA CUISINE GROUP - made of the functional and operational general departments - determines strategic orientations in accordance with the decisions of the Board of Directors.
The staff
DELTA CUISINE GROUP is aware that the pillar of its success is the precious investment in expert, skilled and motivated human resources. “Customer centricity” has always been a mantra for the group’s production teams, marketers, salespeople, designers and developers, along with the administration department - who all devoted to improving customer experiences.
DELTA CUISINE GROUP have had three main overarching responsibilities: find good people, create a culture where they can thrive, and keep them invested in their role—attracting talent, engaging them, and retaining them.
Le staff DELTA CUISINE est motivé par le projet du groupe et s’engage pour lui ; c’est dans cette optique que DELTA CUISINE veille à l’épanouissement de chacun des employés afin de construire une vraie culture d’entreprise afin de répondre aux exigences du marché et de satisfaire les clients.